Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Recent Publication





I've been up burning the midnight oil. I'm also in a celebratory mood, as US women have pushed through to the finals against either Sweden or Japan for soccer. This is coming off the spectacular victory over Brazil a couple of days ago:

On this blog, I'm occasionally putting up my past publications in the hope of securing more freelance work. This is one of the books I wrote recently for Tung Hua's (東華) immaculate GEPT series. If you're interested in differentiating between a gerund and infinitive, look no further. 

BTW, I mean to put up meaningful posts for taking on the GEPT and Taiwan University Entrance Exam, especially concerning that annoying yet challenging component (latter) that requires looking at a series of pictures or a single photograph, and writing an essay. Please bear with me.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Publication

我最新的GEPT全民英檢的書已出版了: GEPT 初級初試準備篇(聽力與閱讀) 是由東華新世紀所發行的。如果您想要在週末找一些有趣的書籍來閱讀,這本書的書號ISBN是978-957-483-643-7。

這本書經歷了很長時間才被發行; 它是晚了六個月。 我對於出版商需要花如此長時間去出版書籍有點意見。 一方面,我很感激,這意味著他們花費額外的時間進行校對,圖表等等。 另一方面,我是靠版稅的。 但是,我還是相當愉快對於我最新的成就。

My latest GEPT book is finally out: GEPT Basic, Tung Hua (東華) New Century Series. The ISBN is 978-957-483-643-7 if you want to pick up some interesting reading for the weekend. 

This one took a long time; it was some six months late. I'm a bit conflicted on publishers taking a long time to get books to press. On the one hand, I can appreciate it as it means they're taking extra time with proofreading, graphics and so on. On the other hand, I work on royalties. Still, I'm pretty happy with my latest effort.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Editing Services











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Over the past 20 years, Patrick Cowsill has written or edited for UBC Alumni Magazine, Taiwan Hospice News, Bata Publishing, Crane Publishing (文鸖), Tunghua Publishing (東華), EZ Talk Magazine, LiveABC (Biz Magazine, ABC Magazine, All+ MagazineLive Interactive Chinese Magazine and countless textbooks), Wunan Publishing, and The Taiwan News. He has also edited and critiqued countless articles for academics and students alike. In all, publications he has worked on, and that have his name on them, are in the hundreds. He even writes paid stories (if they are in good taste and he can indicate they are paid by the customer) his blog Patrick Cowsill Wanhua Taiwan: Patrick writes articles, press releases, copy and even advertorials. He'll dive into pretty much any topic in doing so. Patrick plans to add a list of publications / published works to this site soon. Actually, he has many plans, so please stay tuned. 

About Me

My photo
I own The Hammer, a restaurant in Taipei.